
Von der Natur geformt, von der Wissenschaft weiterentwickelt.


Why the skin microbiome is so important to your health?

The skin is host to millions of essential microorganisms, invisible to the naked eye yet vital to our health. Commonly referred to as skin microbiota or skin flora, this microbiome of bacteria, bacteriophage, fungi, protozoa and viruses that live on the body defines the health of your skin. Good, healthy skin is the result of a balanced skin microbiome.

A stable skin microbiome
When the skin microbiome is balanced, skin looks and feels healthy. It can become unbalanced when there are more harmful bacteria than helpful bacteria, leading to issues such as dryness, sensitivity, acne and pimples, increased wrinkles and reduced elasticity, as well as signs of ageing and more serious skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. 

How to balance your skin

Literally meaning before the probiotic, prebiotics are ingredients that selectively stimulate the growth and/or activity of good bacteria that may improve the health of the host/the skin. Considered a food snack for the beneficial bacteria that form part of the skin’s microbiome, prebiotics help to boost and balance the skin.​

Probiotics are commonly known as "good” bacteria and referred to as "living” bacteria. They are living microorganisms such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria, which contribute to the health of the skin when administrated in appropriate quantities.

Postbiotics – literally, after the probiotic – are non-viable bacterial products or bioactive metabolites generated by probiotic microorganisms that benefit the host: the skin.

Rebiome bringt die Haut wieder
ins Gleichgewicht

Rebiome ist eine bahnbrechende symbiotische Hautpflegelinie mit modernsten prä- und probiotischen Komplexen, die das Gleichgewicht Ihres Hautmikrobioms wiederherstellen, indem Sie eine Prävalenz von hilfreichen Bakterien sicherstellen und Ihre Haut in ihren natürlichen, gesunden Zustand zurückversetzen.

Stellen Sie sich die Inhaltsstoffe von Rebiome als „Nahrung“ und wichtige Nährstoffe vor, die zur Vermehrung und Stärkung der guten Bakterien benötigt werden

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